Oct 6, 2015

What's going on with Natural in Nashville?

Hi Guys,

I know some have wondered what's been going on with the site. I did receive some message on Instagram wondering why we weren't updating the timeline. Of course, I wanted to address the situation. I hate to leave my readers in the dark. So let's get into it.

Where have the posts gone? Well, that's a good question! I basically lost all my writers - some moved, some lost interest, some even went back to relaxer life. All reasons were understandable, we still love each other, life happens. Natural in Nashville was never designed to be the voice of one person. I always had a team concept in mind. I wanted writers who would try new products on their various hair types, talk about the highs & lows of their natural hair journey, and even be the voice of reason for Naturals in our city. But when you don't have a team, it's hard to keep up that type of vision.

So, why can't we just hear from YOU, the editor? Another good question! The reason I wanted a team of writers for this site is because my primary focus has always been fashion. As the editor, and sole writer of FabGlance Fashion & Style, I have to post, go to events, host, and everything else that goes along with being a fashion writer - I don't have a ton of time. I started writing about my natural hair journey on Fab Glance, but I thought, developing this site would be a gift to the city and natural hair wearers all over the internet?

So, what's gonna happen now? It pains me to type, that Natural in Nashville will be going on hiatus. I'll still continue to update the Facebook page, but there won't be any new posts on the website . . . FOR NOW. I'm in talks to turn this space into a comprehensive resource for all things natural hair related - in the city.

Natural in Nashville, the website, is scheduled to return June 2016. My hope is to build a team of amazing content creators, hair stylists, and bloggers. Ladies who not only writer about their hair experience, but host YouTube videos, events, and maybe even develop products - all things UNIQUE to Nashville's beauty community. Also, I want to have SPONSORS. Sponsors who fall in line with the vision and are able to help us give you amazing content.

When Natural in Nashville returns there will be a new website design, new logo, and a new vision. Just hang with me, give me some time to develop the plan, and I promise to get back to you.

In the meantime, follow us on FACEBOOK. I will still post Natural Hair events happening in Nashville and the southern region. I will still post hair lust photos. And you can still ask questions about the Natural Hair journey. I'll be around to answer.

If you'd like to join the team to help me prep for our re-launch in 2016, shoot me an email. We need writers, a videographers, a web designer, and an event coordinator. We also need brands who are interested in sponsorship. Oh yeah, do you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see on the site? Leave a comment below.

Thank you for the last 4 years! I promise to bring the site back - and it will be better than ever!

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